Riots break out as crowds fight to rent violin

Wanna practise playing the fiddle?

I bought my violin (plus bow) second hand from Sam Ash for 300 plus something dollars about one and a half years ago. I'm learning Irish fiddle tunes on it myself. While I'm not using it (like right now for a week or so) I'd be happy to rent it out for someone to use. It'll give you a chance to fool around with it. See if you like it or not. It's from Ars music and made in the Czech Republic (see sepia colored photo attached to this ad). It comes in a hard cover carrying case along with bow and rosin and a mute.

The fair rate I'm asking is: $10 per day, money to be paid in advance. Minimum number of days = 2, maximum is 2 weeks (because I don't wanna get TOTALLY out of practice!). As a deposit I'm asking $50, just in case you break all my strings or something. The deposit will be returned once you return the violin to me in the same condition you received it.

In order to ensure you don't disappear with it forever, I'll need to see your driver's licence and you'll have to swear on your great great great Grandmother's grave that you'll return it.

If we meet and you seem sketchy eg. you are wearing a mask and have tatoos on your neck and are called "Louie", I'll probably change my mind. Ha ha. This is nothing against anyone called Louie. Some of my best friends are called Louie. Hoo hoo hoo.

Note: this fiddle does NOT come with the dancing highland lassies.
Is there potential for renting other things out on a temporary basis? What do you have at home that's unused right now or for the weekend, but you'd be prepared to rent it out to make some money? A computer? A scanner? A guitar or piano? Your apartment? Or maybe just a room in your apartment? A space in your car when you drive from New York to Washington next Tuesday. Whatever!

Add it as a comment, along with your city and zip code and what price you are asking for the rental of whatever the hell it is. Include your email address or telephone number if you want. I'm open to any further comments on this. Email me your ideas on how to grow this into a profitable business.

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Has potential
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Doomed to failure! free polls


UPDATE: 2009 July

Just came across an interesting website which offers the capability to loan and borrow like this and earn money from it. Check out:

Seems to mostly be for power tools, which is indeed a great example of something you might use once for a project and then not ever need again. Any of the users there are seem to be primarily based in Texas. Practically nothing at all listed for New York!

Except for a newly-posted listing, that is.

A violin! ;-)

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