The sneezing panda. You have to watch this one twice to really appreciate it. Very funny inter-bear interaction at the zoo.
This clip shows a guy named Noah who took one photo of himself every day for 6 YEARS!!! It's very interesting to see the effect of aging. Kind of poignant effect with the music. Quite beautiful.
Some clever choreography from four guys running/dancing/bouncing off exercise treadmills of all things. Nice idea. (I'll give two dollars to the first person who can write what the song is in the 'comments' section)
Cute kid talking about some guy getting kicked in the 'penith'.
So. Now you've 'hyucked' it up, tell me this: could there be potential here for grouping useful utube videos together in order to create huge web traffic? I'm thinking of categories that spring to mind like
1. putting a series of useful clips together. For example:
2. Or all the smaller parts of one documentary (as I've done by putting all 6 parts of a Velvet Underground documentary onto one page here in my spin off blog):
3. Or all the Utube videos of songs by one artist as I've done in an example spin off blog containing video clips of songs by the wonderful Regina Spektor:
4. Or putting a series of Utube "stand up comedy" videos together on one website. Call it or something
What do you think? What might be other value-building groupings of YouTube videos that one could 'assemble'? Write a comment, drop me a line, make me a suggestion (or an offer I can't refuse!) by using the email address listed elswhere on this page.
Oh and by the way: do you want to learn "how to put videos on my blogspot"? It's a cinch! Here's how to upload video to your blog:
1. Go to Youtube.
2. Do a search for some video clips related to your blog or whatever it is you'd like to put on your blog.
3. Got one?
Now while the video is playing, do you see the "Embed" field to the right of the video? (in my example screenshot below, it's circled in red). Go in there. Do 'Control + A' to select everything in there. Now do 'Control + C' to copy it. OK. You've got it! You've got the precious little HTML code. Don't drop it, for God's sake! Be very very careful. Anythign could happen at this point! Hold your breath until I tell you to breathe again.
4. Now go into your blog and find the area where you can add HTML code. Assuming you're using Blogspot or blogger, it'll probably be when you create a new post and then you just do 'Control + V' to paste the code into the post.
5. Save your post. Check how it looks when you view your blog. You should have a real live little Youtube video sitting there with a play arrow, waiting to be pressed. Like this:
6. Breathe again. Congrats. Say to yourself "I am now the proud owner of video content on my blog. I now know how to upload videos to blogspot!".
7. Have a nice cup of tea.