When you get that frazzled feeling and feel like you are being overwhelmed and cannot meet deadlines, follow these Top Ten Office Drone tips:
1. Delegate!
2. Adjust/re-negotiate deadlines to give yourself more room!
3. Send quick emails to people asking for their input on things so that without realizing it, they are doing some of the gruntwork for you!
4. Write "Awaiting your response on this" at the end of every email so you are covered and you cannot do further on this until they get back to you (ie now THEY're the ones holding the project up)!
5. Never respond too quickly to something or you'll find that the next email already gets sent back pushing you to do the next stage. Now the ball is back in your court and you're the botleneck, 'holding things up'. If you get something completed unexpectedly early before a deadline, sit on it and don't send it out until the deadline approacheth. If you send it off too early (eager-beaver-like), you'll find other people have time to make some criticisms/suggestions and hand it back to you to re-work all over again.
1. Delegate!
2. Adjust/re-negotiate deadlines to give yourself more room!
3. Send quick emails to people asking for their input on things so that without realizing it, they are doing some of the gruntwork for you!
4. Write "Awaiting your response on this" at the end of every email so you are covered and you cannot do further on this until they get back to you (ie now THEY're the ones holding the project up)!
5. Never respond too quickly to something or you'll find that the next email already gets sent back pushing you to do the next stage. Now the ball is back in your court and you're the botleneck, 'holding things up'. If you get something completed unexpectedly early before a deadline, sit on it and don't send it out until the deadline approacheth. If you send it off too early (eager-beaver-like), you'll find other people have time to make some criticisms/suggestions and hand it back to you to re-work all over again.
6. At meetings, shut up. Don't venture bright new ideas or you'll find you're the one assigned to 'look into that some more'.
7. Ask yourself 'Is the job repecting you as much as you're respecting the job'?
8. If you have to cherry pick the things to focus on, always answer the bosses emails/requests first! After that, choose the things that will boost your resume's value eg. recently I have let some vague, potential clients' calls unreturned coz I was concentrating on trying to land a project with a major client: one of the Big Four. If I pull this off, you can betcha bottom dollar it will be appearing on my resume one year from now.
9. Don't worry excessively about lists always being a round number. It doesn't have to be a magic number of 5 or 7 or "10 things you should know about your cat"
7. Ask yourself 'Is the job repecting you as much as you're respecting the job'?
8. If you have to cherry pick the things to focus on, always answer the bosses emails/requests first! After that, choose the things that will boost your resume's value eg. recently I have let some vague, potential clients' calls unreturned coz I was concentrating on trying to land a project with a major client: one of the Big Four. If I pull this off, you can betcha bottom dollar it will be appearing on my resume one year from now.
9. Don't worry excessively about lists always being a round number. It doesn't have to be a magic number of 5 or 7 or "10 things you should know about your cat"
10. There's no number 10. See number 9.
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