LIFE 101 class: online elearning for individual development

There shoud be a giant database of self-accessible materials so that a person can improve their entire LIFE. Einheitliche holistic classes where a person signs up like for a sports studio but instead of working on their body they work on their personality. Like group therapy but these are not sick people, not deficicnt, instead there is an atmosphere of goal setting and getting ahead.

There will be split off classes for people to get their finances in order, to get their relationshisp in order, to get their heads in order, to provide career guidance, to get life coaching. Physical exercise is also a part of these classes. Essentially it’s like having an Anthony Robbins associate except much much cheaper. It’s like psychotherapy but much cheaper. These classes bring meaning to the masses. Members pay a subscription in order to attend the classes and to ‘stay healthy’ mentally, physically, spiritually, financially.

Finance 101
Setting up a business 101

In what way do these classes differentiate themselves from going to such a course in another school?

Could offer all the above via eLearning!

eLearning for dealing with a death.
eLearning for breaking up
eLearning for getting out of debt
eLearning for career guidance

What do you think? Does such a database exist alreay? Are you interested in working with me to create one? Add a comment below or email me.

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