Compartmentalize your life/business and save yourself

You have to compartmentalize in order to fend off danger or threat. Imagine all your friends know each other. You know that they know each other becease as you met new people, you have always introduced the new people to your group. One day you do a terrible thing and people hear about it. Very quickly, all your friends know about it. Try as you might to rectify the situation, no one believes your side of the story. Because you have not compartmentalized your friends, you have now lost every single one of them. Your friendship capital was all in one basket. Imagine now if you had compartmentalized your friends. You would have your arty set, your business set, your colleagues, your wild party boozing people. Damage to one group would not mean damage to the entire group. Compartmentalizing your people is always a good idea.

I remember when I did one-on-one training with clients in Germany. None of them knew each other. If they did, they might have cross compared prices and discovered that I had different price models going with each of them. United, they might have been able to exert some pressure over me as regards price setting. Divided, they didn’t have this knowledge and, although I liked the social idea of having all my clients come to a party at my place, I was reluctant to hand this power over to them. Compartmentalizing your people is always a good idea.

Take 33% and grow it. Keep everything else safe, but take 33% and grow it. It might be more. Or less. When it grows to a certain amount, split it and start growing it again until it gets too big again. That is compartmentalizing your investment. Managing your risk.

To what extent do you compartmentalize your business or your life in order to protect yourself? Add a comment or email me.

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