Robot spider terrorizes lazy translators!

I come across so many poorly translated websites on the internet that it gave me the following idea as to how a language translation company could generate leads: build a robot or spider program that crawls websites searching for errors. Program the spider so that once it finds an error, it then notifies the programmer and automatically emails the website owner or webmaster. Some standard blurb like "Dear Website Owner, while looking at your website we saw that there are errors in the translation into English. This creates an unprofessional impression of your website and your services. If you would like this and any other translation errors corrected, please email us."

I'm not a computer programmer, so I have to ask those who ARE and are reading this: how feasible would this be? I imagine you'd probably need to be able to program the spider to find a specific incorrect phrase like "The customers is satisfied". Or could you set it up to substitute the word 'customers' for any plural noun, so that when it comes across the plural noun clashing with the 'is', it can identify it as an error and flag it.

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